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The Rugby Blog

dimarts, 27 de març del 2012

All Blacks y Doping

All Blacks fuming at book's steroids claim: Former All Blacks are fuming over allegations of steroid taking in the 1990s. The New Zealand Herald reports.

"Jack Ralston, who was New Zealand Rugby Union's head of sales and marketing between 1997 and 1999, made the allegation in his yet-to-be-released biography, The Sports Insider.

"People might be stunned by this but I know at least two All Blacks in the 1990s who responded to demands that they bulk up by taking steroids," he wrote.

"Ralston would not name the two players, who he said had told him in confidence, telling Fairfax Media they were "smaller guys who needed to put on muscle and bulk who were under pressure".

"He said the players may now feel they can speak publicly about taking the performance enhancing substances."

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